By Coralee Oakes
Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development
Twitter: @coraleeoakes
Facebook: /Coralee.Oakes
- Every year, gaming revenues generate hundreds of millions of dollars
that the Government of British Columbia invests in providing key
services, including health care and education, for all citizens and
communities throughout the province.
The Government of British Columbia dedicates a $135-million portion of the total annual gaming revenues to communities as gaming grants for non-profit organizations. These organizations provide invaluable services in most B.C. communities.
Eligible organizations apply to the Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch for gaming grant funding distributed by sectors, including Arts and Culture, Sport, Environment, Public Safety, Human and Social Services, Parent Advisory Councils and District Parent Advisory Councils.
In 2012, Premier Christy Clark increased the annual base budget for community gaming grants by $15 million, from $120 million to $135 million per year into the future. Every year, over 5,000 local organizations representing virtually every community in British Columbia benefit from this funding.
These organizations accomplish amazing things for British Columbia's communities. The diversity of their work is astonishing: sports leagues for kids; community arts centres and festivals; organizations that help animals in distress and protect the environment; agricultural fairs that celebrate B.C.'s rural heritage; parent advisory councils working with schools; organizations dedicated to public safety, including volunteer fire departments, community policing groups, search and rescue societies.
Volunteers play an important role in communities throughout British Columbia. Gaming grants help community organizations create wonderful opportunities for volunteers to share their time and experience with their local community.
I encourage your non-profit organization to consider applying for a community gaming grant.
To find out how, visit:
Upcoming gaming grant application deadlines are:
Aug. 31, 2014 - Applications must be submitted for the environment and public safety sectors.
Nov. 30, 2014 - Applications must be submitted for the human and social services sector.
Let a gaming grant help make good things happen for your organization and your community.