Making B.C. a better place for families
VICTORIA - Establishing an auditor general for local government, investing close to $17 million in BC Arts Council funding and launching a new $30-million recreation infrastructure program are a few of the steps the Province is taking to make communities better places for B.C. families.
These are just a few examples of significant progress made by government in the last year to improve the lives of British Columbians and their families by creating and protecting jobs, by becoming more open and transparent, and by continuing to be fiscally responsible in these uncertain economic times.
In 2011, the Province made a $1-million initial investment in the 2015 Canada Winter Games and is investing $500,000 to Hosting BC for sporting events throughout the province. The Province has also invested $17.2 million for 47 new infrastructure projects for communities under 15,000 through the last intake of the Towns for Tomorrow program and is conducting an independent review of the governance and funding formula of community gaming grants to ensure B.C. communities continue to thrive.
Stan Hamilton, chair, BC Arts Council -"A vibrant arts and cultural sector is critical to the health and well-being of families and communities across British Columbia, and is a key economic driver for the province. In 2011, the Province stabilized the council's budget, providing us with the second-highest funding level ever, which allowed us to address priorities identified in our 2009-2013 Strategic Plan to support B.C.'s creative sector."
Quick Facts:
In 2011, the B.C. government:
- Introduced legislation to establish the auditor general for local government.
- Appointed Skip Triplett - former Kwantlen Polytechnic University president - in July, 2011 to conduct an independent review of the governance and funding formula of community gaming grants.
- Invested in a new $30-million Community Recreation Program in September 2011 at the annual Union of British Columbia Municipalities Convention.
- Invested $16.8 million in the BC Arts Council to support individual artists and cultural organizations in communities across British Columbia.
- Granted $1 million to help the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra establish its community music school, which began classes and lessons in Sept. 2011.
- Invested $1 million in initial funding to kick-start preparations for the 2015 Canada Winter Games in Prince George.
- Invested $500,000 in Hosting BC funding to support sporting events that took place in communities throughout the province.
- Invested $17.2 million in 47 new Towns for Tomorrow projects for communities with populations under 15,000. The program has now funded 201 infrastructure projects throughout B.C.
Learn More:
For more details on the Auditor General for Local Government:
To learn more about the Community Gaming Grant Review:
For more information on the Community Recreation Program:
To learn more about the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra community music school:
For more information on the Towns for Tomorrow program:
Jeff Rud
Communications Director
Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development
250 953-3677