Today, Minister of Education George Abbott joined First Nations groups, students, local dignitaries and school district staff to help celebrate the success of Aboriginal students on north Vancouver Island.
Along with First Nations leaders, Abbott took part in the signing of the second Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement in Fort Rupert. Several hundred people joined in the festivities at the Kwakiutl First Nations Big House where a feast was served and First Nations songs and dances were performed.
In 2005, the school district signed its first Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement. Today's celebration highlighted the signing of the second agreement. Since the signing of the first agreement, academic results have improved steadily:
- The pass rate for students in Principles of Math 10 went from 57 per cent in 2004-05 to 89 per cent in 2009-10.
- In 2010-11, 64 Grade 8 Aboriginal students successfully transitioned to a higher grade, compared to 49 students in 2005-06.
Minister of Education George Abbott -
"These agreements have proven to be a powerful tool in support of Aboriginal students, and I applaud the school district and local First Nations for their success at improving Aboriginal student achievement."
"I am confident that this historic agreement will continue to strengthen the bond between First Nations and the Province of B.C. as we work together to support our students."
"BC's Education Plan emphasizes the importance of building relationships with Aboriginal communities. Partnerships like Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreements with school districts help focus on the needs of Aboriginal students and improve their learning outcomes.
Board of education chair Leightan Wishart -
"Our community's first agreement was in 2005 and was a major success. We are thrilled to welcome this second agreement and are excited to build on past successes to ensure that our Aboriginal students feel supported and welcome in our schools."
District principal Kaleb Child -
"I believe that the second Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement marks a greater commitment by First Nations and the school district to further our collective responsibilities to students and families, and to build stronger relationships together in supporting and nurturing individual student success and achievement."
Quick Facts:
- Fifty-three school districts have signed Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreements.
- Between 2000-01 and 2010-11, the six-year completion rate for Aboriginal students in public schools has increased by 12 per cent.
- The Province invested $63 million - $1,160 per student - for Aboriginal education in public schools in 2011-12, up from $62.9 million in 2010-11.
- Funds are used to support Aboriginal language and culture programs, Aboriginal support service programs, and other localized Aboriginal education programs.
Learn More:
To learn about BC's Education Plan, visit:
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Ministry of Education
250 356-5963