Over the holiday season the amount of waste generated around the province increases significantly. This is why it is so important for British Columbians to familiarize themselves with how easy it is to recycle and reuse products rather than tossing them in the trash.
And it is not just all the wrapping paper and packaging that can be recycled. Many British Columbians will be receiving new toys, clothing and the latest electronic devices over the next few weeks - and it is important to remember you can recycle all of your old ones to make room.
To help British Columbians embrace the spirit of recycling at this festive time of the year, the elves at the Ministry of Environment have written "A Recycling Story" - a holiday-themed tale with an environmental twist.
Here is an excerpt:
"T'was the night before Christmas and all through the city,
Broken toys were scattered about - oh such a pity....
Recycle drink boxes, electronics and toys,
Small appliances, cellphones - for girls and for boys.
Recycle your batteries, light bulbs and lamps,
Recycle your papers, your letters, your stamps!
To the curbside or depot it's easy to carry,
Making the planet much greener helps us all to be merry!
The choices we make are important you know,
Whether it's sunny, or raining, or starting to snow.
Our lakes will be cleaner; our parks will be green,
Our Province looks nicer when it's pretty and clean!
Now children, this story is not just for you,
It's important for grown-ups to recycle too!
Reduce and reuse are things to remember -
To do all year round, not just in December!"
The entire printable booklet is available at: http://www.newsroom.gov.bc.ca/RecyclingStory.pdf
The story is also available to read at: http://www.bcbsides.ca/a-recycling-story/
Audio of Minister Polak is available at:
https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/124505433&color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=trueQuick Facts:
- Visit the Recycling Council of British Columbia's recyclepedia site: http://rcbc.bc.ca/recyclepedia or download their app and you can find the nearest location to recycle anything from electronics to furniture to clothing and much more.
- B.C. has 24 different recycling programs and is considered a North American leader.
- B.C.'s landfills receive close to three million tonnes of solid waste annually and this is projected to go up by an estimated one million tonnes over the next decade if current trends keep up.
- B.C.'s focus on zero waste combined with British Columbians doing their part to reduce, reuse and recycle will go a long way towards keeping the Province on an environmentally sustainable path.
Learn More at:
Media Contact:
Ministry of Environment
250 953-3834