Premier Christy Clark has issued the following statement in celebration of the start of Chanukah:
"I would like to offer best wishes to the members of British Columbia's Jewish community as they celebrate Chanukah.
"Over the next eight days, Jewish families throughout the province will gather to tell the story of the Maccabbees and the miracles of Chanukah.
"This celebration not only strengthens B.C.'s Jewish community, but our province's rich cultural heritage and diversity as well.
"Holidays like Chanukah serve as a reminder of the importance of family and spending time with those we love.
"Please use this occasion to enjoy your time with those you care about the most.
"I wish British Columbia's Jewish community a very Happy Chanukah. Chag sameach."
Sam Oliphant
Press Secretary
Office of the Premier
250 952-7252