Join the conversation on the Province's Rural Highway Safety and Speed Review during a Twitter Town Hall on Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2013, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
During the Twitter Town Hall, Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Todd Stone (@toddstoneBC), supported by the ministry (@TranBC), will pose questions and take your queries and feedback on rural highway safety and speed via Twitter.
How to participate:
- For this Twitter chat, it is recommended you use a web-based program such as Hootsuite or TweetChat, or an application such as TweetDeck.
- If you are using a web-based program, set up a new stream called #BCSpeedReview.
- If you use a Twitter app, enter #BCSpeedReview in the hashtag search box at the top of the screen after you connect your Twitter account to the program.
- These tools will give you a running list of all the tweets and retweets for the chat.
- Remember to include #BCSpeedReview in your tweets, so they will be included in the conversation and recorded in the archive at the end of the chat.
- When responding to a tweet, please use the "reply" button. That way, the conversation will remain threaded so people can see who you are responding to and what they said.
Public input from the Twitter Town Hall, the online engagement and public forums will form an important part of the Rural Highway Safety and Speed Review.
This feedback received will be considered in conjunction with the technical review, which is already underway. Practical recommendations from this review and a strategy for implementation will be ready in early spring 2014.
British Columbians can get more information on the review and share feedback online at:
Media Contact:
Lisanne Bowness
Government Communications and Public Engagement
Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
250 356-8241