Did you know the Province of British Columbia and the Council of the Haida Nation offer full FrontCounter BC services?
Since 2012, FrontCounter BC services have been available at the offices of the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations in the Village of Queen Charlotte on Haida Gwaii. Staff in this office offer a variety of natural resource-related services and information, ranging from basic land tenures to park-use permits.
The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and the Council of the Haida Nation are committed to integrating natural resource sector services to improve citizens’ access to government(s) services. The aim is to streamline permit processing and decrease turnaround times while improving the client experience.
Find out more by browsing the services at: www.FrontCounterBC.gov.bc.ca or by visiting the office at 1229 Oceanview Drive in the Village of Queen Charlotte.
Quick Facts:
- FrontCounter Haida Gwaii offers direct access to, and assistance with more than 130 natural resource related permits and authorizations at our location.
- FrontCounter Haida Gwaii provides services on behalf of 16 partner agencies.
- FrontCounter Haida Gwaii can also be accessed by email FrontCounterHaidaGwaii@gov.bc.ca and by phone by calling 250 559-6200.
Media Contacts:
Greig Bethel
Media Relations
Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
250 356-5261