The public may see increased smoke and flame activity on the China Nose Fire this afternoon associated with a planned controlled burn-off to establish solid containment lines.
Crews will build a heavy-equipment guard in front of the fire and then, when safe to do so, will begin a controlled fire to burn off any remaining unburned fuel between the guard and the wildfire. This removes fuel from the fire’s path and reduces the chance of the wildfire reaching and breaching the fire guard in place. The fire may appear more active, but this is part of a plan to burn areas on the periphery of the fire.
Crews and equipment continue to work day and night, and are making progress on containment lines on the east, west and north flanks of the fire. Helicopters will be using retardant to reinforce containment lines.
Protection of first responders, the public, critical infrastructure, private property and resource values remains a priority. Three structural protection units have been assigned to the fire.
Despite progress that has been made, this is still a large, uncontrolled wildfire, and current weather conditions, combined with dry forest fuels, are conducive to extreme fire behaviour. The public is encouraged to stay vigilant at all times.
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Media Contacts:
Michael McCulley
Fire Information Officer
Wildfire Management Branch
250 949-1200