BC Corrections’ new Mother-Child Program (MCP) at Alouette Correctional Centre for Women (ACCW) is now in effect and will provide women in custody the opportunity to live and bond with their newborns, while still ensuring the health, safety and security of the child.
Aligning with direction from the B.C. Supreme Court, the MCP is supported by comprehensive policies and procedures, staff training and a facility upgrade. The nursery includes new furniture, a kitchen and child-bathing area, as well as a playroom with child-friendly and age-appropriate toys, books and decorations that provide a stimulating and appropriate environment for babies.
The MCP will provide participants with the same prenatal and postnatal education available to expectant mothers in the community. Mothers will be required to participate in a parenting program and will have the opportunity to take classes to develop their personal and parental growth and development. Mothers also will receive support and assistance to deal with social and behavioural issues in order to reduce recidivism and help them successfully transition to life outside of a correctional centre.
In creating this new program, BC Corrections conducted extensive research and policy work informed by academics, subject-area experts and best practices in other jurisdictions. Going forward, BC Corrections will work closely with the Ministry of Children and Family Development, Delegated Aboriginal Agencies and the Fraser Health Authority to ensure the safety and best interests of the child are being met.
- VIDEO: Attorney General and Minister of Justice Suzanne Anton touring the new nursery at ACCW: http://www.sendtonews.com/#!highlight/story/XKMGp9rJLp
- PHOTOS: Anton touring the facility at ACCW: https://flic.kr/s/aHsjyKY19R
Attorney General and Minister of Justice Suzanne Anton −
“The goal of the Mother-Child Program is to support the bond between a mother and her baby. By providing access to prenatal care, parenting programs and community resources, this program will help strengthen that relationship.”
“During a recent tour of the new facility I had the opportunity to see how the new program, under the care and dedication of BC Corrections staff, will provide a safe, secure and nurturing environment for women and their children.”
Media Contacts:
Government Communications and Public Engagement
Ministry of Justice
250 213-3602