Environment Canada warns there is the potential for more wet weather in the immediate future. Families and businesses should assess the risk of flooding around their property.
Consider the different flood hazards:
- Shoreline breaches caused by new rainfall that tops already high water volumes,
- Blocked or backed-up drains, culverts, gutters and sewers, and
- Overland flooding when ground saturation doesn’t allow for new rain penetration.
Tips for preparing for potential flooding:
- Residents and business owners should begin reviewing insurance policies to understand what is applicable for coverage and compensation.
- Elevate and unplug things in basements or stored on the ground level floors, including household effects and appliances, or business equipment, inventory and records.
- Families should discuss with children and business with their employees, what the emergency plans are if water begins to flood the building or electricity goes out.
- If living in a flood susceptible area, construct an emergency kit in case evacuation is necessary.
- The basics should include prescriptions (medicine and glasses), pet supplies (food, leashes and carriers) and copies of important papers (like insurance papers, contact info, certificates, business records, etc.). Go to http://www.getprepared.gc.ca/ for more details.
- Use extreme caution when near shorelines as waters can breach land quickly and without notice and shorelines that appear stable can be jeopardized beneath the surface and give way.
- Boaters should take extra care and recognize that winds and water currents can be unusually strong and muddied waters can be carrying large debris.
Residents can also monitor these resources:
- Alerts and Bulletins: http://www.emergencyinfobc.gov.bc.ca/
- BC Weather alerts: https://weather.gc.ca/warnings/index_e.html?prov=bc
- BC Storm Surge Forecasting: www.stormsurgebc.ca/
- DriveBC for road closures fromwashouts and rock slides: http://www.drivebc.ca/
To review other flood safety tips visit: http://www.newsroom.gov.bc.ca/2014/12/flood-tips-for-british-columbians-being-deluged-by-rainwater.html
Media Contacts:
Ministry of Justice
Government Communications and Public
250 213-3602