In response to the second intake of the $75-million BC Rural Dividend, 289 applications were received from communities, not-for-profit associations and First Nations throughout the province.
Launched Oct. 3, 2016, the second application intake closed Oct. 31. The high number of applications received reflects a 60% increase from the first intake, which ran from April 1 to May 31 and received 180 applications.
Project development funding applications, for $10,000 each, will be assessed on an expedited schedule. Decisions are expected to be announced in early 2017.
Decisions on single-applicant project applications (up to $100,000) and partnership project applications (up to $500,000) will be announced before March 31, 2017.
As committed during the September 2015 Union of British Columbia Municipalities convention and in Balanced Budget 2016, the BC Rural Dividend is designed to help eligible rural communities diversify and strengthen their economies and contribute to their overall wellness and sustainability.
The BC Rural Dividend is part of government’s multi-faceted response to assisting rural communities and complements existing initiatives supporting rural communities.
The criteria for the BC Rural Dividend was developed with input from the 13-member Rural Advisory Council, which was formed in March 2015.
Learn More:
BC Rural Dividend:
Rural Advisory Council: 000309.htm