
Media Contacts

Stephen Smart

Office of the Premier
778 389-6202

Media Relations

Ministry of Education
250 356-5963


Coding, teacher training readies students, educators for new curriculum
  • Each district will decide when students, between grades 6 to 9, will do the coding module which forms part of the Applied Design, Skills and Technologies curriculum.
  • Part of the funding will allow a number of key educators in every district to get intensive training and become the trainers in their own communities, for their own colleagues.
  • Coding curriculum is now available for B.C. teachers and students as part of the new and redesigned Applied Design, Skills and Technologies curriculum, launched in fall 2015. 
  • Last year, a wide-ranging support plan was introduced so teachers get the information and training they need to bring B.C.’s new curriculum to life in their classrooms. The support plan included $1 million to fund targeted training this school year, as well as dedicated time.
  • New Kindergarten to Grade 9 curriculum will be fully implemented in classrooms in fall 2016.
  • Draft curriculum for grades 10 to 12 is ready for teachers to use in classrooms in the 2016-17 school year and will be fully implemented in 2017-18.
  • The Ministry of Education is working directly with more than 250 teachers on 20 curriculum teams to develop the new curriculum.
  • The new curriculum fits in with the key goals of B.C.’s Skills for Jobs Blueprint to re-engineer education to ensure young people have the skills they need for in-demand careers.

Media Contacts

Stephen Smart

Press Secretary
Office of the Premier
778 389-6202

Media Relations

Ministry of Education
250 356-5963

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