Media Contacts

Dave Townsend

Government Communications and Public Engagement
Ministry of Agriculture
250 356-7098
250 889-5945 (mobile)

Guy Gallant

Director of Communications
Office of the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay
613 773-1059

Media Relations

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
613 773-7972
1 866 345-7972
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Innovation challenge covers many topics

The innovation challenge includes the following topics:

Long live the B.C. blueberry: Enhancing productivity and profitability through enhanced mechanization and storage solutions for blueberries and other field crops

Blueberries are B.C.’s top primary agricultural commodity export and in demand globally. In order to further maximize the productivity and resiliency of this commodity, innovations are sought that will improve mechanization, harvesting, processing and storage of blueberries. Innovations for this challenge should consider how the technologies and solutions will also apply across other B.C. commodities.

There’s got to be a better way: Minimizing losses through pest-management solutions

Wildlife and pests, such as deer, coyotes, beavers, birds and insects, can create losses for farmers and ranchers and represent an ongoing, age-old challenge. Currently, innovations are sought to effectively manage pest, wildlife and invasive species concerns in a socially responsible way. Could the use of drones, hormones, virtual fencing or other technologies create new-age solutions?

Getting (even) greener: Promoting sustainable practices and finding efficiencies in B.C. greenhouses

The B.C. greenhouse sector is a significant contributor to the agriculture sector and value chain, producing high-value vegetables and a wide range of ornamental plants. The industry is, however, cost and resource intensive, relying on state-of-the-art facilities and advanced production practices to produce high-quality products. Innovations are sought to continue to enhance the reputation of the sector as a leader in innovative and sustainable practices.

The circular approach: creating new revenue streams and addressing environmental concerns through optimization of nutrient application and nutrient recovery

The over application of nutrients in the form of animal manures and commercial fertilizers is creating environmental challenges, leading to the need for changes in management practices. Producers are incurring costs for disposing of by-products, when they should be realizing revenue streams from excess nutrients. Currently, nutrient management and recovery innovations are sought to maximize potential across many sectors within the agriculture industry.