Pouce Coupe is receiving federal-provincial investment in critical clean water and wastewater infrastructure, announced MLA Mike Bernier for Peace River South on behalf of Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Peter Fassbender.
The Clean Water and Wastewater Fund is providing approximately $310 million to 144 projects throughout the province. Through this fund, Pouce Coupe is receiving $41,500 for Village Asset Management Assessment.
The Clean Water and Wastewater Fund enables crucial investments in local government infrastructure, specifically supporting long-term benefits in rehabilitating drinking water, wastewater and stormwater systems, as well as planning and designing future facilities and upgrades to existing wastewater systems.
This funding will help communities ensure that residents enjoy safe and reliable access to drinking water and improved environmental protections, and will assist local governments in meeting provincial and federal regulations. Clean water and wastewater management is a core service that communities depend on to grow and help ensure sustainability principles are met, while improving community vibrancy, resiliency and attractiveness.
The Clean Water and Wastewater Fund is one of the key ways the B.C. government is taking action to strengthen, grow and diversify rural communities. These projects build on the immediate investments and long-term action plan outlined in B.C.’s Rural Economic Development Strategy that are expected to create over 26,000 jobs and add $2.8 billion to provincial GDP.
Peter Fassbender, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development –
“Safe and reliable drinking water and wastewater systems are essential infrastructure for all communities in our province. The Clean Water and Wastewater Fund enables local governments to make the critical investments in essential services their citizens rely upon. This program is another successful example of our government working together with our federal and municipal partners to best serve British Columbians.”
Peace River-South MLA Mike Bernier –
“In order to maintain high quality water services for our communities, assessments like the one in Pouce Coupe, are necessary. Through the assessments we will have an overall outlook of any future work that may need to be done based on community needs.”
Quick Facts:
- In 2016, Premier Christy Clark announced $148.5 million for the new Clean Water and Wastewater Fund. Combined with the federal commitment of $225.1 million, this provides a total of $373.6 million in senior-government funding to support rehabilitation of critical infrastructure.
- Approved projects are cost shared 50% by the Government of Canada, 33% by the Province of British Columbia, and the remaining 17% from the local government.
- In September 2016, 35 projects received approval under the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund, representing $60 million in combined funding from the provincial and federal governments.
Learn More:
Province of B.C.’s Clean Water and Wastewater Fund overview: http://www.gov.bc.ca/cleanwaterwastewaterfund
Government of Canada’s Clean Water and Wastewater Fund overview: http://www.infrastructure.gc.ca/plan/cwwf/cwwf-program-programme-eng.html