British Columbia’s Quarterly Environmental Enforcement Summary for the first quarter of 2016 outlines four orders, 15 administrative sanctions, 279 tickets and 25 court convictions for a combined total of over $3.5 million in penalties.
B.C.’s Quarterly Environmental Enforcement Summary is published four times a year. It lists enforcement actions taken and associated fines for violations such as hunting and fishing without a licence, open burning out of season, illegal mud bogging and introducing waste into the environment.
This quarterly summary marks the first time enforcement actions under the Off-Road Vehicle Act have been reported. Thirty tickets were issued under the new act, which replaces the 40-year-old Motor Vehicle (All Terrain) Act with a modern management structure that better aligns with all current regulatory regimes. The new act provides specific rules governing British Columbia’s growing off‑road sector to ensure these vehicles are driven in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. A ticket for using an unregistered off-road vehicle on Crown land is $230.
Teck Metals Ltd. was ordered to pay $3.4 million in court fines and creative sentencing payments. The company also was convicted under the Environmental Management Act and the federal Fisheries Act for unauthorized discharges.
Ensuring compliance with environmental laws and regulations is one of the ministry’s primary objectives. The QEES demonstrates the government’s commitment to transparency for achieving its environmental protection responsibilities.
To view the full first Quarterly Environmental Enforcement Summary, please visit: