Due to cooler than normal weather this year, seven winter response shelters will receive additional provincial government funding to remain open in April.
All winter response shelters and Extreme Weather Response (EWR) shelters in the City of Vancouver have been offered additional funding this year to remain open an extra month.
Shelters that have agreed to extend services into April are:
- Portland Hotel Society, 49 West Cordova St. - 35 spaces
- Catholic Charities Men’s Hostel, 828 Cambie St. - 24 spaces
- Raincity, 1648 1st Ave. - 40 spaces
- Raincity, 1401 Hornby St. - 40 spaces
- Salvation Army Anchor of Hope, 134 East Cordova St. - 40 spaces
- Salvation Army Sutherland at 119 East Cordova St. - 30 spaces
- Directions, 1138 Burrard St. - 12 spaces
Some shelters will gradually close during the month but will continue to provide services to existing clients.
Three shelters lack staffing required to remain open and will close as of March 31, 2017. BC Housing, the City of Vancouver and the non-profit housing providers are working with the 52 individuals impacted by these closures to offer them alternative shelter, housing or other services.
Last year, the province invested about $26 million to fund more than 950 year-round shelter beds for Vancouver’s homeless. This year, the province has been spending approximately $2.2 million per month to operate the 16 year-round shelters and 10 winter shelters in Vancouver.
The Province’s goal is to ensure everyone who needs it has a warm place to sleep.