The BC Wildfire Service is planning to conduct a series of open burns in the Horse Lake community near 100 Mile, as part of the ranchettes community-forest project.
The piles are located at the end of Gary Road. The burning is scheduled to start on March 26, 2018, and will continue periodically until June 30, 2018.
These prevention strategies are part of an ongoing fuel-management project directed by BC Wildfire Service (BCWS). The primary intent is the mitigation of fire risk through prescribed thinning and/or spacing of trees, and the removal of excess surface fuels.
In an effort to make this process more efficient, BCWS personnel are being trained in the identification of trees that are affected by common tree diseases and need to be removed. During the identification and removal process, trees with high-wildlife value, such as large-diameter Douglas firs, will be retained onsite.
The thinning and collection of excess fuels must be responsibly disposed of to be effective, usually in the form of safe pile burning. The burn piles, which are not to exceed two-by-three metres, will be burned in groups of two to four in strategic areas, to minimize the effect on neighbouring trees.
The pile burning will only proceed if weather conditions are favourable for quick smoke dissipation. Wind speed, direction, venting and burning conditions will all be considered prior to ignition to prevent smoke accumulation in the community.
To report a wildfire, unattended campfire or open burning violation, call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cell-phone.
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