The Pender Harbour dock management plan, released today, provides mandatory requirements for dock design and construction to meet environmental and archeological concerns, and defines three zones within Pender Harbour where additional requirements or restrictions apply.
The dock management plan was developed collaboratively with shíshálh Nation, and with input from Pender Harbour dock owners and stakeholders. The final plan was informed by the 13 recommendations from consultant Barry Penner’s 2016 report, including the results from the recently completed archeology survey and environmental study.
The dock management plan divides Pender Harbour into three zones, with no new docks allowed to be built in Zone 1. The existing unauthorized docks in this zone will need to be removed.
Zone 2 allows for the construction of new docks, if shared by multiple parties and for commercial use. The structures need to be consistent with the new dock management plan requirements. New applications for private moorage will not be accepted.
Zone 3 allows for new applications. Any existing unauthorized docks in zones 2 or 3 will need to be brought into compliance with the new rules under the dock management plan.
The existing 321 dock owners seeking replacement tenures will now be able to begin the tenure replacement process. Ministry staff will be contacting those dock owners directly about the application process.
The environmental study found that increasing numbers of docks are associated with a decrease in kelp cover and fish abundance, and harm critical eelgrass habitats, which support species at risk. The archeological survey found that no portion of the Pender Harbour area can be considered low potential for archeological materials.
The Pender Harbour dock management plan aims to address environmental stewardship and resource management concerns by minimizing impacts to marine resources, protecting archeological resources from disturbance, and advancing collaborative management between the shíshálh Nation and the Province.
Learn More:
A copy of the Pender Harbour dock management plan is available online at:
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