The public is invited to comment on a new road proposal that would provide an emergency exit route to Highway 16 for residents of the Lhoosk’uz Dene (Kluskus) Nation reserve and people in the surrounding areas.
The road would begin at approximately 53.25 kilometres along the Coglistiko (4000) Forest Service Road, cross the Blackwater (West Road) River and connect to the end of the Blue 4000 Forest Service Road.
For a map of the proposed project area, visit:
The ministry is consulting with First Nations, stakeholders and the public, as well as undertaking environmental, heritage and recreation reviews before making a decision on whether to proceed with construction.
Provide feedback by email to the project manager, Rob Jonasson, by Nov. 15, 2018, at:
The deadline for stakeholders who have already received an information package has been extended to Nov. 15, 2018.