
Media Contacts

Jen Holmwood

Deputy Communications Director
Office of the Premier
250 818-4881

Sarah Plank

Communications Director
Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation
250 208-9621

Ellena Neel

Communications Coordinator
Union of BC Indian Chiefs
604 762-1812

Colin Braker

Communications Director
First Nations Summit
604 328-4094

Annette Schroeter

Communications Officer
BC Assembly of First Nations
778 281-1655


B.C., First Nations Leadership Council agree to joint concrete actions for reconciliation

New legislation and a share of provincial gaming revenues for First Nations top the list of priorities recently agreed to between the provincial government and First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC) under a set of concrete actions that form a joint work plan to implement the 2015 Commitment Document. The joint work, guided by a shared vision, will strengthen government-to-government relationships with First Nations as the Province continues its work to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN declaration) and Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action.

The joint concrete actions include:

  • Developing legislation by fall 2019, similar to the federal private member’s Bill C-262, to establish the UN declaration as the framework for reconciliation in British Columbia.
  • Developing new fiscal models of sharing provincial revenues to support First Nations self-government, including a new model to share gaming revenue by 2019.
  • Establishing an independent Indigenous commission within three years that supports First Nations, upon request, with self-government, including boundary resolutions, developing constitutions, making laws and policies, and land-use planning, as identified in the 2015 Commitment Document.
  • Reforming legislation and policies through a joint review table to reduce barriers to reconciliation, with a plan for changes in child welfare, environmental assessment and forestry within a year as identified in the 2015 Commitment Document.
  • Developing a multi-year strategy to promote education, both within the school system and more broadly, to British Columbians on the history and contributions of First Nations within a year.
  • Designing principles for new, innovative and creative models for negotiation and dispute resolution between the provincial government and First Nations within a year.

The 2015 Commitment Document set an agenda for achieving an effective Crown-First Nations relationship in B.C., and working collaboratively to improve social and economic outcomes for First Nations communities. It is seen as a key tool for advancing Aboriginal title and rights, and as a means for First Nations to work toward establishing their own jurisdictions, governance, laws and responsibilities. The vision and concrete actions documents help to mobilize this agenda by outlining a clear approach and a shared work plan for achieving meaningful progress.