Media Contacts

Jen Holmwood

Deputy Communications Director,
Press Secretary
Office of the Premier
250 818-4881

Ministry of Children and Family Development

Government Communications and Public Engagement
250 356-2028


Facts about child care in Greater Vancouver
  • Including these new spaces, 3,300 new licensed child care spaces in Greater Vancouver have been approved for funding through Childcare BC’s space creation initiatives.
  • Eight child care centres were selected to deliver child care for no more than $10 a day as part of the Childcare BC Universal Prototype Sites Program:
    • Bob and Kay Ackles YMCA Nanook House is providing 37 spaces: 12 for children under 36 months and 25 for children aged three to kindergarten.
    • Collingwood Neighbourhood House is providing 49 spaces: 24 for children under 36 months and 25 for children aged three to kindergarten.
    • Emma’s Early Learning and Care Centre is providing 28 spaces for children under 36 months.
    • Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House’s Satellite Daycare is providing 37 spaces: 12 for children under 36 months and 25 for children aged three to kindergarten.
    • Hastings Park Child Care Centre is providing 44 spaces: 12 for children under 36 months, 16 for children aged three to kindergarten and 16 multi-age spaces for children up to age 12.
    • Hummingbird Under Three is providing 24 spaces for children under 36 months.
    • Langara Child Development Centre is providing 62 spaces: 12 for children under 36 months and 50 for children aged three to kindergarten.
    • Woodwards YMCA Child Care is providing 37 spaces: 12 for under 36 months and 25 for children aged three to kindergarten.
  • The City of Vancouver is receiving $25,000 to undertake a needs assessment and create the fresh air school age care action plan to support local families over the next 10 years. This funding comes from the Community Child Care Planning Program, a $3-million partnership between the Province and the Union of British Columbia Municipalities.
  • The City of Vancouver's Capital Plan is a four-year financial plan for investments in Vancouver’s facilities and infrastructure. The 2019-2022 Capital Plan includes investments in child care totalling approximately $123 million ($8 million for existing child care and $116 million for new child care).