Media Contacts

Sean Leslie

Communications Director
Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training
250 356-8485

Sarah Zimmerman

Executive Director, Communications
Coast Mountain College
250 641-2206


Facts about Coast Mountain College
  • Coast Mountain College, previously Northwest Community College, was established in 1975 in Terrace and serves a region of approximately 254,000 square kilometres, including the Nass Valley, through an arrangement with Wilp Wilxo’oskwhl Nisga’a, an Indigenous institution.
  • The college serves 34 communities, 21 of which are Indigenous communities, via programs offered through distributed learning for students across the region and at campuses located in Hazelton, Smithers, Prince Rupert and Terrace.
  • The college has eight nations in its service region (Haida Gwaii, Ts’msyen, Nisga’a, Tahltan, Gitxsan, Witset, Haisla, and Métis).
  • Indigenous students now make up 49% of the college’s domestic student population – one of the highest proportions of Indigenous students attending B.C. post-secondary institutions.
  • It offers innovative programs that lead to sustainable careers for people in the North, such as careers in the trades, Indigenous education and business.
  • It is also the provincial headquarters for the BC Centre of Training Excellence in Mining, as well as the School of Exploration and Mining.
  • In addition, the college is home to the Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coastal Art – the only school of its kind in Canada – focused on traditional First Nations Pacific Northwest Coast art.
  • To support access and success for Indigenous students, the college works closely with the First Nations Council, which is composed of representatives from these nations, and whose members have a seat on both the board of governors, and educational council.