Media Contacts

Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development

Media Relations
250 896-4320

Dallas Smith

Na̲nwaḵolas Council
250 203-0280

Babita Khunkhun

Senior Director, Communications
Western Forest Products
604 220-4923


Joint planning and reconciliation agreement
  • In the shared belief the parties are stronger working together and mutually beneficial outcomes will lead to greater long-term benefits for all parties and British Columbians more broadly, Western Forest Products and Na̲nwaḵolas Council, representing the four First Nations, have agreed to work on a joint approach to managing forests, including old forests, together in TFL 39-2 on central Vancouver Island.
  • The Joint Planning and Reconciliation Agreement integrates perspectives, values, and interests of the First Nations with the intent of enhancing forest stewardship, creating socioeconomic opportunities, and providing greater operating certainty at the site level while considering recommendations of the April 2020 report, A New Future for Old Forests (“Old Growth Strategic Review”).
  • With Na̲nwaḵolas leading and co-ordinating the participation of the member Nations, the parties will focus efforts to develop an Integrated Resource Management Plan (IRMP), including recommendations for the B.C. chief forester’s establishment of a Forest Landscape Plan as enabled by the recent Bill 23 legislation.
  • The parties will engage mutually agreed upon and credible third-party experts to support the development of the IRMP, and work to enhance forest stewardship, including implementation of the 14 recommendations of the Old Growth Strategic Review in a manner that is supported by sound science and credible professional and expert opinion and engagement.
  • The harvesting deferrals agreed between Western and Na̲nwaḵolas will help protect critical old-growth forests while the joint planning work is completed.