People in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows will benefit from a provincial investment in planning for the future of post-secondary education for the region.
The Province is investing $250,000 for a feasibility study to help outline potential post-secondary educational opportunities in the area.
This builds on a previous needs assessment of post-secondary education and training in the region funded by the Province. That assessment concluded there is a perceived demand and need for increased access to post-secondary education and skills training in the area, and that the need is projected to grow over the next 20 years.
The needs assessment included engagement with 1,500 residents, students, parents and school district staff through surveys and community events, as well as consultation with a wide range of organizations, including local government, School District 42, TransLink, local First Nations, post-secondary institutions and the business community.
The feasibility study will be carried out by Kwantlen Polytechnic University in conjunction with Douglas College, the Justice Institute of British Columbia, and the University of the Fraser Valley. The study is expected to be completed by spring 2025.
This provincial funding is part of the Province’s co-ordinated approach to address immediate and long-term workforce challenges across all sectors of the economy.