Premier’s task force on agriculture and food economy (

Media Contacts

Robert Boelens

Media Relations
Ministry of Agriculture and Food
250 356-1674
250 882-2485

Office of the Premier

Media Relations


What to know about task force members

The Premier’s task force on agriculture and food economy is made up of three co-chairs and 12 members representing a broad range of regional, commodity and market perspectives.


  • Danielle Synotte, executive director, BC Agriculture Council
  • James Donaldson, CEO, BC Food & Beverage
  • Michelle Koski, deputy minister, Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Primary producers:

  • Jennifer Woike, president, BC Agriculture; president/owner, Farmer Ben’s Eggs
  • Annelise Grube-Cavers, co-owner, Fresh Valley Farms
  • Nav Bains, vice-president of operations, marketing and procurement, Westberry Farms
  • Chris Bodnar, assistant professor at University of the Fraser Valley; co-owner, Close to Home Organic


  • Angela Doro, president, Freybe Gourmet Foods
  • Jasmine Byrne, COO, Big Mountain Foods
  • James Pratt, CEO, Rhema Health Products


  • Larry Johnson, president, Nuu-chah-nulth Seafood
  • Steve Pocock, owner, Sawmill Bay Oysters


  • Jamie Nelson, president, Pattison Food Group (effective March 1, 2025)


  • Cameron Bowles, vice-president of national sales, Sysco

Thought leadership:

  • Rory McAlpine, chair, Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute; retired as senior vice-president, Maple Leaf Foods