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What people are saying about the BCTS review
Updated Jan. 15, 2025

Lennard Joe, chief executive officer, BC First Nations Forestry Council –

“I recognize the importance of participating in the BCTS review as a member of the task force. Throughout this process, the goal of the BC First Nations Forestry Council will be to ensure First Nations have meaningful opportunities to participate and that their voices are heard. It is my hope that the outcome of the review leads to a stable and inclusive BCTS program that supports healthy ecosystems, a strong economy and vibrant communities, while fully respecting First Nations values and rights.”

George Abbott, former B.C. cabinet minister –

“The forests of this province belong to all of us, and British Columbians deserve to have the most effective forest practices possible. Partnering with experts across the sector, we will aim to find new and innovative ways to ensure fibre is getting to the right place for hard-working British Columbians to get the highest value for these resources.”

Brian Frenkel, councillor, District of Vanderhoof, and former president, UBCM –

“I’m looking forward to participating in the minister’s BCTS task force to help make recommendations to adapt the organization to the changing B.C. forest economy. Local governments, First Nations communities, primary and value-added sectors require a reliable source of timber, developed through the BCTS organization.” 

Kurt Niquidet, vice-president and chief economist, BC Council of Forest Industries 

“BCTS plays a vital role in the province’s forest sector, managing 20% of B.C.’s annual allowable cut. A review of BCTS that includes independent input and analysis is an important step to address fibre supply availability in British Columbia, which will help to re-establish the province as an attractive destination for investment in forest-product manufacturing.” 

John Gillis, chairman, board of directors, BC Wood Specialties Group Association

“It is time for renewal in the BCTS system and today’s announcement of the BCTS review from the Ministry of Forests shows the commitment the Government of B.C. has to supporting local business as they grow, innovate and generate high-value products and jobs. We are pleased to see the Government of B.C. recognize the important role that access to raw materials is to B.C.’s value-added wood products sector.”

Todd Chamberlain, general manager, Interior Logging Association

“This is a positive step forward. The Interior Logging Association board of directors looks forward to actively participating in this review to ensure the government’s revised BCTS program meets the current and future needs of the industry. It is essential for creating opportunities and supporting sustainable practices. We look forward to seeing the results of this review.”

Jeff Bromley, chair, United Steelworkers (USW) Wood Council –

“The review of BCTS is an important step in the renewal and revitalization of B.C.’s forest industry. BCTS is a key part in setting the market price for timber in B.C., but they could also bridge the gap between log supply, First Nations timber rights and permitting to ensure workers, communities, industry and the Province sees more value from our timber resource. Improving and ensuring BCTS can get the timber out to market will be key.”

Joe Nemeth, general manager, BC Pulp and Paper Coalition 

“Those of us in the pulp and paper industry are always on the lookout for improvements, so everyone can get the most value from B.C.’s forests. We need to make sure our industry remains strong going into the future. That’s why we are excited to work with BCTS on innovating the sector, ensuring that the best silviculture and forest management practices are used to strengthen all aspects of forestry in B.C.”

Ted Dergousoff, president, Interior Lumber Manufacturers’ Association –

“Today’s announcement of the BCTS review, and the commitment to increasing Category 4 volumes, shows the government’s acknowledgment and commitment to support local business throughout the province. The results of the review will ensure that a framework exists to provide these local businesses with a solid foundation to allow them to continue to generate high-value products and well-paying local jobs. The Interior Lumber Manufacturers’ Association fully supports the Ministry of Forests in their efforts.”

Andy Rielly, chair, Independent Wood Products Association, a member of the BC Value-Added Wood Coalition –

“The Independent Wood Products Association appreciates government’s decision to review the BCTS program. This program is the only way for non-tenured manufacturers to secure competitively priced logs for lumber trading, which is crucial for creating value-added wood products and encouraging more investment and job growth. We also appreciate government’s commitment to enhance the Category 4 program. We believe this represents an important step forward for small and medium-sized independent wood-products manufacturers.”

Geoff Dawe, national president, Public and Private Workers of Canada (PPWC) –

“The PPWC welcomes Minister Parmar’s announcement to review the BC Timber Sales program as a step forward in ensuring sustainable and equitable forest management for all British Columbians involved in the forest sector. We are optimistic about the opportunities this process presents and PPWC looks forward to actively participating as a member of the Provincial Forestry Forum to champion responsible stewardship of our forests for generations to come.”

B.C.’s forestry progress

Since 2017, government has initiated several engagements with First Nations, industry, local governments, labour, environmental groups and the public about forestry. This includes the Coast Forest Sector Revitalization, Interior Forest Sector Renewal, and Forest and Range Practices Act Improvement initiatives, as well as the Old Growth Strategic Review. The Province also conducted reviews of key issues for workers, such as contractor sustainability. This culminated in the Modernizing Forest Policy Intentions Paper, released in 2021.

Progress has been made on the key objectives of the intentions paper, including increasing opportunities in the forestry sector, strengthening the social contract and public interest, and enhancing stewardship.

BC Timber Sales was formed to provide a market-pricing mechanism to respond to the U.S. trade dispute in 2003, and has been successful in its created purpose: providing open market access to timber, creating employment, setting a fair market price for publicly owned timber, and delivering critical volume to small and large processing facilities. BCTS has also been a leader in safety standards and stewardship practices.