It’s been a whirlwind summer and fall. In case you missed it, here’s a breakdown of major new programs and announcements.
1. Banned big money from B.C. politics
People should power our politics, not big money. We reformed campaign finance rules for political parties so our democracy can’t be undermined by deep-pocketed special interests.
Learn more about the big changes provincially and municipally.
2. Closed the fixed-term lease loophole
Be evicted or pay hundreds more in rent? That’s a dilemma B.C. renters will no longer face, now that fixed-term lease rent hikes have been eliminated.
Learn more about the new rules.
3. B.C.’s budget update cut MSP Premiums in half
Starting January 1, 2018, medical services premiums will be cut by 50 per cent. We’re working towards completely eliminating this unfair fee altogether.
Have your say on the path to eliminate MSP fees.
4. Took first steps to tackle the overdose crisis
We created a stand-alone Ministry for Mental Health and Addictions to take province-wide action to stem the overdose emergency, and help people living with mental illness and addictions.

Find more information on mental health supports in B.C.
Find out more about overdose prevention and response in B.C. and how you can save a life.
5. Eliminated unfair tolls on the Golden Ears and Port Mann bridges
Eliminating tolls can save Lower Mainland commuters up to $1,500 a year.
Learn more about the new changes.
6. Tackled the root causes of poverty
Our newly-formed Poverty Reduction Advisory Forum is listening to people across B.C. who are working to eliminate poverty.
Share your input on how to reduce poverty in B.C.
7. Got started on solutions for housing
We’re working hard to increase the supply of housing, to find ways to curb speculation in B.C.’s housing market, and to get thousands of modular housing units online to help people get off the street.

8. Fast-tracked seismic upgrades, so schools are earthquake safe
We’re addressing the backlog of seismic upgrades to schools to keep B.C. students safe.
Read more about our new approach to supporting schools.
9. Gave people the power to change #HowWeVote
We passed legislation to hold a referendum asking voters if they want a change from our current voting system to a system of proportional representation.
Share your ideas about the upcoming referendum on electoral reform.
10. Raised income assistance and disability rates by $100 per month
Lifting families out of poverty starts with raising income assistance and disability rates. This is the first rate increase in 10 years.
Find out more about disability assistance and income assistance.
11. Opening the door for Adult Basic Education and English Language Learning
We’re opening the door for people to upgrade their education and get ahead.
Find out how to apply and browse a list of public institutions that offer ABE programs and ESL courses.
12. Created a new transportation supplement for persons with disabilities
People can use the new supplement for an annual bus pass or for other transportation needs.
Find out how to apply for the transportation supplement.
13. Gave help to children-in-care with tuition waivers for post-sec
It’s now easier for youth aging out of the foster care system to enroll in post-secondary education programs.

Find out if you’re eligible and how to apply.
14. Added more than 500 trades training spaces for students across B.C.

Find out more about different trades in B.C. and find a spot ( in a trades program.
15. Expanded efforts to tackle gang violence
We doubled the funding for the Surrey WrapAround (WRAP) program, which keeps at-risk youth out of gangs.
Learn more about the Surrey WRAP program and how it changes lives ( .
16. Put B.C. on the path to $15-an-hour minimum wage
The Fair Wages Commission is consulting the public on how we get B.C. to $15 an hour, to lift all wages and help people earning the least.
Share your perspective on the best path to raising B.C.’s minimum wage.
17. Provided support to people affected by the wildfires
Farmers, ranchers, small business owners, tourism operators, people and communities were all affected by the worst wildfire season on record. We supported communities and businesses affected by wildfires with $100 million for recovery and $140 million for risk reduction, reforestation, habitat restoration, and the FireSmart program.
If your family, business or community was impacted by the wildfires, find out supports that are available.
Nominate someone for a Wildfire and Flood ‘Above and Beyond Award’ to recognize acts of selflessness and bravery in response to B.C.’s 2017 wildfires and floods.
18. Welcomed 1,000 new good-paying tech jobs

19. Launched the renewal of the human rights commission
Because every person should feel welcome to share in the future of our province.

20. We cut the small business tax rate by 20 per cent
B.C.’s small-business owners can now keep more of their hard-earned revenue and reinvest it back in their communities.
Learn more about how this will benefit small businesses in B.C.
This is only the beginning. We’re working hard to build a better B.C. for everyone.