B.C. Non-Profits Newsletter
Edition: Summer 2023
Message from Parliamentary Secretary Megan Dykeman
Welcome to my first edition of the non-profit newsletter!
Taking on the Parliamentary Secretary role is a great honour, and I am excited to build upon the progress Niki Sharma, Attorney General, made and get more things done for people in B.C.’s non-profit sector. As an advocate for the sector, I will keep working to deliver the supports organizations need to thrive in our beautiful province. I am also excited to work with Ravi Khalon, the Minister of Housing, to help deliver more non-profit housing that will benefit people experiencing homelessness and lower income individuals and families.
In my role, I look forward to getting out as much as possible and connect with you - the people who make our non-profit sector one of the greatest in the world. Last year, we announced the Recovery and Resiliency Fund to support charities and non-profit organizations disproportionately impacted by the pandemic in their long-term recovery. The Vancouver Foundation and the New Relationship Trust are managing the granting process. The Vancouver Foundation will announce their grant recipients shortly. The New Relationship Trust has provided funding to 23 Indigenous-led non-profit organizations.
Under the leadership of Premier David Eby, British Columbians are already benefiting from a $100 BC Hydro credit. And eligible individuals and families are receiving a BC Affordability credit with the BC Climate Action tax credit. That means low and middle income residents will receive additional funds—up to $164 for adults and $41 for children. Additionally, more daycares across the province are offering $10 a day childcare to help support families with affordable, high quality childcare.
Investing in our province’s economic, environmental, and social future means we can continue to strengthen the services British Columbians count on every day. By putting people first, B.C. is leading a strong recovery and non-profits are an important part of that.
I commend the people on the frontlines and behind-the-scenes at our non-profit organizations for their hard work and commitment to serving British Columbians. Whether you are a volunteer or staff member, I thank you for helping create a StrongerBC.
Megan Dykeman
Parliamentary Secretary for Community Development and Non-Profits

Funding programs for non-profits
Community Gaming Grants provide $140 million annually to non-profit organizations throughout B.C., to support their delivery of ongoing programs and services that meet the needs of their communities. The upcoming intake is the Arts & Culture stream, opens Feb. 1, 2023.
The Local Food Infrastructure Fund (LFIF) is a $70-million federal government initiative that supports not-for-profit organizations and community-led efforts in strengthening local food systems to improve food security. The next intake for this grant is expected to open in May 2023.
Another key investment is the community Gaming Grants program is providing a total of $5.3 million to non-profit organizations to support the important work that you do for countless people in communities across the Province. Read more
Non-profits news
More than $12 million in new funding for public safety and environment programs will support not-for-profit organizations that are helping make life better for people throughout B.C. Read more.
More people living in single-room occupancy (SRO) hotels in Vancouver will be able to access improved services and supports through a provincial grant of $11 million to the Downtown Eastside SRO Collaborative Society (SRO-C). SRO-C is a non-profit organization working to improve habitability, affordability, safety, health and housing security for tenants living in privately owned SROs who are at risk of eviction and homelessness. Read more.
People in northern communities experiencing rapid economic growth will benefit from strengthened supports that harness community and culture, improve health and safety and increase local service capacity. Since its beginning, the NHCF has supported 75 projects with a total of more than $11.9 million. Eligible local governments, First Nations and non-profit organizations in growing communities near the LNG Canada and Coastal GasLink projects can apply for project funding. The program is accepting applications for the next funding intakes. New projects will be announced quarterly until 2026.Read more.
New pay transparency legislation was introduced March 7, 2023, to help close the gender pay gap in B.C. – the next step on the path to pay equity. Read more.
Budget 2023 Highlights
Non-profits strengthen our communities and build them back stronger here are some of the highlights from budget 2023 that impact non-profits.
A notable investment from the 2023 budget is a $125 increase to the shelter rate to address the risk of homelessness that arises for people when housing rates increase. Read more.
100 per month for individuals on income assistance. Read more.
$1200 per year for individuals on disability assistance, so that people are supported to earn more through employment before seeing their assistance supports impacted. Read more.
The Province is providing additional funding to the B.C. Indigenous Cannabis Business Fund (ICBF) to support Indigenous participation in the regulated cannabis industry. Read more.
The Province is reducing barriers for First Nations to fully participate in implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN Declaration) and build a better future. Read more.
Indigenous governments, communities and businesses are increasing their food sovereignty and food security through projects that strengthen their food systems and success within the agriculture and food sector. Read more.