Minister of Labour, Citizens' Services and Open Government Margaret MacDiarmid will host a Twitter Town Hall on Tuesday, May 15,, 2012.
This town hall is part of government's consultation process for choosing either the second or third Monday in February to be the new official statutory holiday beginning in 2013 - Family Day.
On Tuesday, May 15, between noon and 1 p.m., British Columbians have the opportunity to tell MacDiarmid directly, in real time, which day will work best for them. Citizens can tweet their opinions about which day is best by using this hashtag: #mybcfd
Between May 8 and May 22, government is engaging with the public, and consulting with worker groups, employers, the tourism industry and the broader business sector to ensure all potential economic and social benefits are taken into account before finalizing a February date for the new holiday.
Quick Facts:
- Parts of the consultation process are scheduled from May 8 to May 22, 2012.
- Citizens can share their thoughts at:
- or on Facebook or Twitter using: #mybcfd
- With the addition of Family Day in 2013, British Columbia will have 10 statutory holidays.
- In 2012, British Columbia, families had a long stretch between New Year's Day and the Easter Break without a long weekend - almost 100 days.
- Family Day is celebrated in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario on the third Monday in February.
- Manitoba and Prince Edward Island also have statutory holidays on the third Monday in February, which are not officially referred to as Family Day.
- On a statutory holiday, eligible employees can be given the day off work paid at their regular rate of pay. If they work, they must be paid at premium rates of pay, plus receive another day's regular wage.
- Employers and individual employees or the majority of employees can agree to substitute another day off with pay instead of the designated statutory holiday.
To Learn More:
Visit the Ministry of Labour, Citizens' Services and Open Government:
Jason Macnaughton
Communications Manager
Ministry of Labour, Citizens' Services and Open Government
250 387-0172