Bill Bennett, Minister of Energy and Mines and Minister Responsible for Core Review, announced that LiveSmart BC is working with BC Hydro and FortisBC as they jointly develop utility-funded energy conservation programs to continue to help homeowners and small businesses make energy efficiency improvements.
With the conclusion of the LiveSmart BC: Small Business program on March 31, 2014, the Business Energy Advisor (BEA) service will transition to BC Hydro. BC Hydro will oversee five BEA positions, with co-funding from FortisBC, and will continue to offer free energy assessments and provide recommendations to small businesses on energy efficiency upgrades.
BC Hydro and FortisBC will also continue to offer energy-efficient product incentives, which the BEAs will help eligible businesses apply for. BC Hydro will issue the request for proposals for five BEAs in Spring 2014 and LiveSmart BC will remain involved in the BEA program, sharing best practices and providing guidance.
To help residential customers reduce their water and space heating costs, BC Hydro and FortisBC will be expanding the incentives available to residential customers, beyond those currently offered under the LiveSmart BC program. These programs will be launched later this year.
To help customers reduce their bills by using less electricity, BC Hydro is investing $1.6 billion in Power Smart programs over the term of the government’s 10 Year Plan. This includes funding to provide energy efficiency kits free of charge to eligible low income British Columbians as well as funding for the Energy Conservation Assistance Program which provides free energy assessments, refrigerator replacements and insulation upgrades to low income households.
Minister of Energy and Mines Bill Bennett and Minister Responsible for Core Review -
“When the BC Hydro 10 Year Plan was announced in November, we committed $1.6 billion to Power Smart initiatives to help both residential customers and businesses conserve energy and save money. With this transition, business energy advisors will continue to work with small businesses and the utilities will continue to offer incentives to residential customers.”
Joanna Sofield, general manager of customer care and Power Smart, BC Hydro -
“For the past 25 years, BC Hydro has offered specialized Power Smart programs for different groups of customers to help them save energy and money. We have existing programs for B.C. businesses, which save our commercial customers about 1,850 gigawatt hours each year - enough to supply about 170,000 homes. Business energy advisors will play a key role in connecting our commercial customers with the appropriate programs to help them save even more.”
Tom Loski, vice-president, customer service, FortisBC -
“FortisBC is committed to helping all of our customers save energy and money. By collaborating with other utilities, we’ve managed to streamline the application process for energy-saving rebates, which makes it even easier for our customers to become more energy efficient.”
Media Contacts:
Jake Jacobs
Media Relations
Ministry of Energy and Mines and Responsible for Core Review
250 952-0628