Media Contacts

Kristy Anderson

Media Relations Manager
Ministry of Health
250 952-1887 (media line)

Heather Oliver

Communications Officer
Provincial Health Services Authority
604 875-3732
Media pager: 604 871-5699


Role of the BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services

BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services, an agency of the Provincial Health Services Authority, provides a diverse range of specialized and one-of-a-kind tertiary mental health and substance use services for youth, young adults and adults throughout the province.

Their overarching goal is to work with the health authorities and other key stakeholders to ensure that everyone in British Columbia has access to the specialized mental health and substance use services they need, when they need them, regardless of where they live.

In addition to delivering these clinical services, BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services provides provincial leadership for system-wide improvement through its work in: health promotion and illness prevention; knowledge exchange; and research and academic teaching. Recognizing that people with mental health challenges may also have co-occurring substance use concerns, the assessment and treatment of substance use issues is an integral part of their programs.

BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services is responsible for the following provincial specialized mental health and substance use programs:

  • The Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission which includes the Forensic Psychiatric Hospital and six regional clinics;
  • The Burnaby Centre for Mental Health & Addiction;
  • Heartwood Centre for Women;
  • BC Mental Health and Addictions Research Institute; and,
  • BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services also provides a governance / oversight role for programs and services; including the Provincial Crisis Lines Network, the Provincial Bounce Back initiative, BC Partners for Mental Health and Addictions Information, the Provincial Adult FASD Assessment Program and the BC Psychosis Program.

Learn More:

The Provincial Health Services Authority plans, manages and evaluates selected specialty and province-wide health care services across B.C. For more information, visit:

A Vision for Renewing Riverview lands:

Centre for Mental Health and Addiction:

Maples Adolescent Treatment Centre:

Provincial Assessment Centre: