Through a pilot program co-ordinated by BC Corrections and Thompson Rivers University (TRU), six local inmates have completed skills training while in custody that will qualify them for entry-level work in construction – and possible apprenticeships – upon release.
Between November 2015 and last week, the Kamloops Regional Correctional Centre (KRCC) inmates completed construction craft worker (CCW) - Level 1 training through TRU’s school of trades and technology. The program covers basic skills needed to enter the construction workforce, including operating and maintaining small tools and equipment; excavation, backfilling and compaction; scaffolding; blueprint-reading; surveying; skid-steer and mini excavator certification; and traffic control. The students also received their Occupational Level 1 First Aid and Construction Safety Training Systems certification.
In the course of their studies, the students demonstrated a strong sense of teamwork, putting their new skills to work by building a heavy-duty cement foundation pad, with drainage and a roof, that will house KRCC’s portable sawmill. Outside of program hours, the adult learners – many of whom came into custody with limited education – also helped each other with the math components of the training that some found challenging.
The participants wrapped up their training and wrote their Industry Training Authority (ITA) CCW Level 1 apprenticeship exam last week. All participants successfully completed the program and received a Level 1 apprenticeship credential. On acquiring 4,000 work hours in the trade and successfully completing Level 2, students will be eligible to obtain their Red Seal Certification in this trade. TRU will continue to work with local construction companies and agencies to help find employment for participants on their release.

Laurie Throness, Parliamentary Secretary for Corrections –
“My report on BC Corrections advocated exploring how to put certified trades training into custody centres, recognizing that most provincial inmates are serving short sentences. This pilot program is a pragmatic response: in a tight time frame, it’s prepared these six men for some of the thousands of new positions ahead in our province for those with trades training. Investing in skills is a key way that we can change offenders’ lives and make our communities safer.”
Dr. Lindsay Langill, dean, Thompson Rivers University’s school of trades and technology –
“I have long promoted this type of training for those in custody. To me, the first step towards creating positive behavioural change is through meaningful education. Education must not only be restricted to classroom theory and textbook rhetoric; it must also include a pragmatic approach involving the hands, the head and the heart.”
Corey, KRCC inmate and program participant –
“What an opportunity this has been! I hope others will be able to benefit from this program in the future. Even though I knew some of the stuff, the actual tickets will help me secure work – no question!”
Quick Facts:
- The six-week CCW program taught at KRCC is the same one TRU offers in the community. Those who complete it successfully receive the same certification and eligibility to enter an apprenticeship.
- Fully qualified TRU instructors taught on site at KRCC. Students had full access to the required equipment, including hand and power tools, skid steers, a mini excavator, scaffolding, and materials to ensure that all ITA outcomes were achieved or exceeded.
- All six participants received an extensive construction binder during the classroom portion of the program, plus safety boots, goggles and pants, a high-visibility vest, a hard hat and work gloves, all of which they will keep to help them in their future careers, post-release.
- The training program aligns with B.C.’s Skills for Jobs Blueprint, which is helping British Columbians to get the skills they need to be first in line for future job openings requiring some post-secondary education or trades training.
Learn More:
Video of the program, with commentary:
CCW course description:
BC Corrections:
B.C.’s Skills for Jobs Blueprint: