Media Contacts

Kent Karemaker

Media Relations
Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources
250 952-0628


Information about Eagle Graphite

Eagle Graphite is one of five British Columbian companies receiving a total of $1,190,856 aimed at developing advanced technologies such as hydrogen fuel cells, batteries and other hydrogen fuelling equipment.

This will help the Province move towards the ultimate goal of zero-emission vehicles — cars, trucks and other transportation machines that do not produce any pollution at all.

Eagle Graphite owns and operates one of only two flake graphite production facilities in Canada and the only graphite quarry in western North America. The quarry is located in Passmore, near Castlegar. Eagle Graphite’s application includes partners the University of British Columbia Okanagan and E-One Moli Energy Limited, a local battery supplier.

The Eagle Graphite project will produce silicon/graphite battery anodes using the Eagle Graphite quarry resource. The intention is to produce a commercialized anode with a capacity that would surpass the benchmark graphite anodes currently produced. The benefits of this project include the potential to establish B.C. as a global leader in anode production and the production of batteries that are lighter and offer greater range. The project is expected to be complete by August 2021.

Amount funded: $290,256
Total project cost: $731,640