Media Contacts

Kent Karemaker

Media Relations
Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources
250 952-0628


Information about AVL Fuel Cell Canada

AVL Fuel Cell Canada is one of five British Columbian companies receiving a total of $1,190,856 aimed at developing advanced technologies such as hydrogen fuel cells, batteries and other hydrogen fuelling equipment.

This funding will help the Province move toward the ultimate goal of zero-emission vehicles – cars, trucks and other transportation machines that produce no pollution at all.

AVL is the world’s largest independent company for the development, simulation and testing of powertrain systems.

AVL Fuel Cell Canada’s application includes local partner Greenlight Innovation, a manufacturer of testing and assembly equipment for fuel cells, and two B.C. universities.

AVL Fuel Cell Canada will develop and validate an advanced fuel cell model for research and series development applications with automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and Tier 1 suppliers, which sell directly to the OEMs. The project is expected to be completed by December 2021.

Amount funded: $146,750

Total project cost: $767,000