Housing on the way to support people living on Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (flickr.com)

Media Contacts

Aileen Machell

Director of Communications
Office of the Premier
250 361-5381

Ministry of Housing

Media Relations
236 478-0251

BC Housing

Media Relations


Facts about government-funded housing in B.C.

These homes are part of the Province’s affordable housing investment of more than $7 billion over 10 years, which is the largest housing investment in B.C.'s history:

  • Since 2017, BC Housing has partnered with non-profit housing providers, municipalities and health authorities to fund and open more than 4,800 new supportive housing spaces throughout B.C. for people at risk of or experiencing homelessness, including more than 2,200 in Vancouver.
    • These include leased hotel spaces opened in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic that remain available to prevent people from being displaced, as well as supportive housing.
  • Through provincial investments since 2017, there are more than 36,000 new homes complete or underway throughout the province, including more than 8,400 homes in Vancouver.
  • In Vancouver, a Housing First approach is supported through a 2021 memorandum of understanding signed by the attorney general and minister responsible for housing, the City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Park Board to establish roles and responsibilities in encampment response, and the approach emphasizes a humanitarian and collaborative approach with access to housing and a spectrum of supports.