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Ministry of Health

250 952-1887 (media line)

Fraser Health

Media Relations
604 613-0794


What people are saying about the new home

Andrew Mercier, MLA for Langley –

“Adding new long-term care beds in a purpose-designed facility is great news for seniors in Langley and their families. This is another step we are taking to ensure older adults will have important access to appropriate, compassionate health care in a modern facility within their community and close to loved ones.” 

Megan Dykeman, MLA for Langley East –

“Our community is rapidly growing, and long-term care is a critically important service that is a key part of our health-care system. By planning this new long-term care home now, our government, Fraser Health and their partners are supporting Langley’s community for the future.”  

Dr. Victoria Lee, president and CEO, Fraser Health

“This new care home in Langley will provide more than just exceptional services, it will create a warm, home-like environment where residents can find comfort in familiar surroundings, enjoy a sense of belonging and build meaningful connections. Our goal is to ensure that every individual feels valued and supported within our community. Through partnerships with our Indigenous, community and provincial stakeholders, we are deeply committed to enhancing the lives of seniors as they age.”

Heather Scott, executive director, Langley Community Health & Hospital Foundation

“The Langley Community Health & Hospital Foundation is proud to partner with Fraser Health in building a leading-edge long-term care community. Langley’s seniors have shaped our community as teachers, mentors and caregivers, and they deserve top-notch care that upholds their dignity and fosters connection. We’re pleased to support a residence that will revolutionize seniors care in Langley.”