K’ómoks First Nation, Canada, B.C. take important step to advance reconciliation by initialling draft K’ómoks Treaty (flickr.com)

Media Contacts

Art Aronson

B.C. Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation
Media Relations
250 893-2028

John Moody

K’ómoks First Nation
250 888-1711

Melissa Quocksister

K’ómoks Treaty Communications & Engagement

Matthieu Perrotin

Press Secretary
Office of the Honourable Gary Anandasangaree
Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

Media Relations
819 934-2302


Facts about K’ómoks First Nation
  • K’ómoks First Nation is one of more than 200 First Nations in British Columbia.
  • K’ómoks territory spans north to Quadra Island up to the southern reaches of the Johnstone Strait, with the heart of K’ómoks territory located in the Comox Valley on central Vancouver Island’s east coast.
  • K’ómoks reserves, including their administration and territory, primarily surround the city of Courtenay.
  • K’ómoks has 351 registered members, of whom 102 reside on reserve.
  • K’ómoks, Canada and British Columbia have been in treaty negotiations since 1994.
  • These negotiations are now coming to the close of Stage 5 – Negotiation to Finalize a Treaty of the made-in-B.C. treaty negotiations process facilitated by the British Columbia Treaty Commission.
  • In March 2011, K’ómoks First Nation voted in favour of the agreement-in-principle, which K’ómoks First Nation, Canada and British Columbia signed in March 2012.
  • In June 2019, the parties signed the agreement to revitalize K’ómoks Treaty negotiations.
  • K’ómoks has been working closely for many years with its partners in local government, neighbouring communities and industry to develop regional economic opportunities and services, including working with the Comox Valley Regional District to secure $30 million for modern waste-water treatment in Royston and Union Bay, and joining a $35.9-million partnership with Western Forest Products.
  • On Nov. 14, 2023, K’ómoks, Canada and British Columbia signed the Chief Negotiators’ Understanding.
  • Following the initialling of this treaty and before ratification, Canada and B.C. will be continuing consultations with neighbouring First Nations on overlapping land claims.