The Single Parent Employment Initiative helps single parents on income and disability assistance get the supports they need to overcome barriers to employment and build a better future for their families. Supports include up to 12 months of funded training for in-demand jobs or paid work experience, transit costs to and from school, and child care costs during their training and the first year of employment.
Meet some of the thousands of single parents in B.C. who are involved in the program:
Single mom proves a new life isn’t impossible
Tanya knew that she wanted to work with children, but it took the Single Parent Employment Initiative (SPEI) to give her the helping hand necessary to make it happen.
SPEI is covering Tanya’s tuition for the early childhood care and education (ECCE) program offered through Selkirk College as well as after-school care for her five-year-old daughter. Read Tanya's story.
Helping one single mother turns into help for many
Amy Cousineau has faced a number of challenges in the past, but is putting it all behind her thanks to the support of the Single Parent Employment Initiative (SPEI).
As a single mother who fled an abusive relationship, Amy knew she wanted to do more for her son than rely on income assistance but wasn’t sure where to start. She just knew she wanted to help others as a way of giving back. Read Amy's story.
A better future is a team effort
Thanks to the Single Parent Employment Initiative (SPEI), Sarah, a single mother of two, is now back at school and on track to a fulfilling career in the health care field.
Sarah had been wanting to return to school for a while. Being on income assistance with two kids, however, made that challenging. Qualifying for the SPEI program changed that: SPEI covered her tuition, enabling her to enrol in a health care assistant program. Read Sarah's story.
Single mom achieving dream over 20 years later
It has taken over 20 years, but Josephine Mark is close to achieving a childhood dream, thanks to the Single Parent Employment Initiative (SPEI).
As a teen, Josephine had a vision of making furniture incorporating traditional First Nation designs as a way of celebrating her culture. As a single mother to five children, however, Josephine was always struggling just to get by and didn’t give her vision further thought. Read Josephine's story.
Sharing this story on social media could change someone’s life
Kirstin, a single mother from British Columbia’s central interior, loves family and friend updates on Facebook. But she never thought she’d get news that would turn her life around.
The first time Kirstin heard about the Single Parent Employment Initiative (SPEI) was through a link that her sister sent her online. As an unemployed single parent on disability assistance, she knew she might qualify for the program, which provides tuition and other supports. At the time, she had few skills and was dealing with a hearing disability and mental health issues. Read Kirstin's story.
Fate – and government program – lead single mom to new career
For Naz, everything has lined up to help her get off income assistance and into an in-demand career, thanks to the Single Parent Employment Initiative (SPEI), a government program that is covering her tuition and other expenses.
After a series of car accidents that left her unable to continue doing the physical work involved in running her own cleaning company and with an infant daughter to look after, Naz needed income assistance. She had no intention, however, of waiting to change her circumstances. Read Naz's story.
New Year brings new opportunities for single mom in Delta
When Mitzi, a single mother of one, learned about the Single Parent Employment Initiative (SPEI) and the supports that the program offers, it came at the perfect time for her family.
After living abroad for 17 years with her mother in Chile, Mitzi and her nine-year-old daughter returned to British Columbia six years ago. At the time, Mitzi had to rely on social assistance. She was having difficulty finding the contacts and supports she needed to help her break into the B.C. workforce. Read Mitzi's story.
Day care makes all the difference for single mom
For Miya Inkster, finding high-quality, affordable child care was a big factor holding her back from returning to the work force. After a stressful separation and move that affected her financial situation, Miya ended up on income assistance and couldn’t find work that covered the cost of child care.
“I have always been a worker, but I had no support,” she explained. Read Miya's story.
Single mom of two graduates early, with honours and a job
“I grew up in a home that relied on income assistance, and I wanted to be able to accomplish more.”
As a young single mother of two children, 26-year-old Sarah was anxious to get back to work after her son’s first birthday, but she knew it would be difficult to find a well-paying job with only customer service experience under her belt. Read Sarah's story.
Job seeker showing the ropes to other single parents
Aliyah Roller escaped an abusive relationship by moving across the country to British Columbia. Though she had no connections here, she knew that she and her two children would be safe.
Aliyah was glad that the B.C. government provided her with income assistance, but saw that only as a temporary measure until she could find work. Arriving with an energetic attitude, she connected with Global Vocational Services, a WorkBC Employment Services Centre in Ladysmith. “I’m here. I’m looking for work.” Read Aliyah's story.
Single parent puts two and two together in new accounting career
Mubra Asghar is a single mother who is proud to be creating a better life for her daughter. Two years ago, Mubra was having trouble finding work and ended up on social assistance. It wasn’t until she heard about the Single Parent Employment Initiative that things really started to look up. Read Mubra's story.
Single mother of three takes steps to financial independence
Since becoming a single parent, Allison has always been determined to go back to school to gain the skills she needs to better support her three kids. Now, thanks to the Single Parent Employment Initiative, their future is shaping up to be an amazing one. Read Allison's story.
Single parent finds hard work adds up to a great future
Having escaped an abusive relationship in her native country five years ago, Lima is thankful that she was able to move to Canada from Eastern Europe. Now, she is equally thankful to have the opportunity to go back to school, creating an even brighter future for herself and her daughter. Read Lima's story.
New year, new career for single mom - Morgan's story
With a fresh new year ahead, single mother Morgan Hegg of Williams Lake can resolve to continue on the new career path she has chosen. Thanks to the Single Parent Employment Initiative, Morgan has started a career in the health-care field and is providing a brighter future for her two children. Read Morgan's story.
Single parent wipes the slate clean with new career - Shannon's story
Shannon is looking forward to her new career as a Medical Device Reprocessing Technician thanks to the Single Parent Employment Initiative. Read Shannon's Story.
A new job means turkey with all the trimmings - Veronica's story
Single mom Veronica has so much to be thankful for - including the Single Parent Employment Initiative. Read Veronica's story.
Single dad of two lands new career with benefits - Mark's story
Because of Mark's hard work and the support of the Single Parent Employment Initiative, he is on track and providing the financial support that he and his children need. Read Mark's story.
Graduating means the sky's the limit - Amanda R.'s story
Amanda is working towards her goal of becoming a medical administrative assistance and creating a more secure future for herself, and her children. Read Amanda R.'s story.
New lease on life for single mom - Tiffany's story
Tiffany thought she'd be on welfare all of her life, but then she found out about the Single Parent Employment Initiative. Read Tiffany's story.
Single dad builds a future - Donald's story
Donald is driven to make a better life for him and his son. The Single Parent Employment Iniative is helping. Read Donald's story.

Single dad moves from assistance to well-paid work - Donald M.'s story
For the first time in several years, Donald M. is benefitting from a full-time, well-paying job in B.C.'s booming construction industry. Read Donald M.'s story.
Single mom benefits from life-changing program - Amanda's story
Amanda is a single mother and student who is excelling thanks to the Single Parent Employment Initiative. Read Amanda's story.

Single mom finds her purpose - Melody's story
Melody has dreams of building a fulfilling career that will help her provide a better life for her son. Read Melody's story.
Single mom gets a new start - Jodi's story
Jodi is a busy single mom with two kids a dream. The Single Parent Employment Initiative is helping her achieve that dream. Read Jodi's story.

Single mom makes a better life - Heidi's story
Heidi never wanted to be on welfare, and, determined to make a new career and better life for herself and her daughter, she turned to the Single Parent Employment Initiative for assistance. Read Heidi's story.
Single mom in search of a better life - Tetiana's story
A native of Ukraine who moved to B.C. in 2014, Tetiana soon learned about the Single Parent Employment Initiative as a way to realize her dream of a career as an early childhood educator. Read Tetiana's story.