The Province of British Columbia and the Tsartlip First Nation have reached an interim reconciliation agreement, setting the stage for comprehensive reconciliation negotiations over the next two years.
Key elements include:
Consultation processes
The Province will provide $100,000 to Tsartlip over two years, to enhance Tsartlip permitting referral capacity and processes.
Tsartlip First Nation history and culture
The Province will provide $20,000 to Tsartlip to consult Elders, explore potential joint applications to change and/or add official place names through BC Geographical Names Office and develop a community cultural recognition strategy.
Heritage Protection
The Province will provide the First Nation with $25,000 to support negotiations concerning heritage protection, and help the Nation complete an inventory of heritage sites and objects of spiritual, ceremonial or cultural value.
Park Management Plans
The Province and the Tsartlip will discuss Tsartlip interests, culture and history related to the park management plans for Gowlland Tod Provincial Park and Goldstream Provincial Park.
Environmental co-operation and wildlife
The Province, Tsartlip and other interested parties, will review standard foreshore leases and permit conditions within Saanich Inlet with the goal of promoting best boat-waste management practices.
Representatives of the federal government and other interested parties will also be invited to discuss strategies to address derelict boats and protect the waters of Saanich Inlet.
B.C. and Tsartlip also will seek to develop a communication protocol between the Conservation Officer Service and the Nation.
Tsartlip Economic Interests
The B.C. government and the Tsartlip First Nation have agreed to discuss the Nation’s interests in acquiring lands, acquiring water lot leases in the Saanich Inlet, and acquiring a park-use permit for a portion of Gowlland Tod Provincial Park.
Learn More:
Tsartlip First Nation:
Tsartlip Interim Reconciliation Agreement: