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Personal protective equipment update - Oct. 5, 2020

To recap B.C.’s cumulative totals, from March 2020 to last week’s report on Monday, Sept. 28, 2020, the following personal protective equipment (PPE) has arrived in B.C.:

  • just over 6,800,000 N95 or equivalent respirators;
  • just over 59,500,000 surgical or procedure masks;
  • just over 2,700,000 pieces of eye protection, including goggles and face shields;
  • almost 136,000,000 pairs of gloves; and
  • almost 9,700,000 gowns.

Many of the items listed above and other supplies and equipment that have recently arrived are in the testing process to make sure the products meet or exceed safety requirements before being used in B.C.’s health-care system.

Over the last week (since the update on Sept. 28 until yesterday), the following PPE has arrived in B.C.:

  • 153,119 N95 or equivalent respirators;
  • 275,400 surgical or procedure masks;
  • 3,644 pieces of eye protection;
  • 7,410,050 pairs of gloves; and
  • 476,430 gowns.

B.C. continues to source and test PPE and is working to pursue any and all credible leads for safe, effective products for the health system.