B.C.’s comprehensive Technology Strategy is deepening our talent pool, expanding markets for B.C. technology and services, ensuring access to venture capital for technology start-ups, and creating a Centre for Data-Driven Innovation (CDDI) in B.C. Everyone in B.C. is touched in some way by technology – and B.C.’s technology strategy is providing economic opportunities for British Columbians in every corner of the province.
Government is investing $100-million to give tech start-up companies access to the capital they need to thrive in the marketplace and generate jobs for British Columbians. The technology sector supports the B.C. economy at its very foundation and is a key driver of growth for our economy, creating more than 100,000 jobs that pay 75% higher wages than B.C.'s average. For more information about the #BCTECH Strategy, please visit www.bctechstrategy.ca.
In addition to the $100-million BC Tech Fund, which creates an avenue for capital funding for promising start-up companies, the plan highlights K-12 curriculum which provides the opportunity for more than 600,000 B.C. students to gain basic skills needed for careers in technology. Targeted programs include coding academies, greater access to work experience electives for high school students, and dual credit partnerships between secondary and post-secondary institutions.
The renewed #BCTECH Strategy also includes activities that continue to streamline, simplify and automate government procurement processes, facilitate exports, invest in connectivity infrastructure, and improve collaboration and commercialization. All of the above help make up the four pillars of the #BCTECH Strategy: Talent, Capital, Markets, and Data.
The annual technology summit is part of the technology strategy, and showcases B.C.’s vibrant tech sector, builds opportunities for businesses and demonstrates how technology affects every British Columbian in every part of the province. For more information, please visit: http://bctechsummit.ca/.
#BCTECHSummit 2017
The second annual #BCTECHSummit took place March 14-15, 2017 at the Vancouver Convention Centre.

2017 highlights:

#BCTECHSummit 2016
The inaugural #BCTECHSummit took place January 18th and 19th, 2016, at the Vancouver Convention Centre.

2016 highlights:

#BCTECH Strategy News Releases:
#BCTECH Summit delivers unparalleled fusion of tech collaboration - March 15, 2017
Bot battles, tech scavenger hunt and cool careers await youth at #BCTECH Summit - March 15, 2017
Renewed tech strategy benefits all B.C. regions - March 14, 2017
New grads and co-ops drive talent development in B.C.’s tech sector - March 14, 2017
B.C. and Canada partner on investment in clean-energy technology - March 13, 2017
British Columbia’s largest technology showcase sold out - March 8, 2017
Tech accelerators create 1,640 jobs - February 28, 2017
Visit to Boeing in Seattle fosters cross-border tech ties - January 25, 2017
B.C. tech sector now employing more than 100,000 people - January 18, 2017
Canfor evolves forestry through tech and innovation - January 5, 2017
Success in B.C.'s tech sector set to continue in 2017 - December 31, 2016
#BCTECH firm Finger Food Studios launches real-life Holodeck - December 9, 2016
Access to capital drives growth in B.C. tech sector - December 8, 2016
Diverse membership of Premier's Technology Council drives talent and innovation - December 2, 2016
B.C.'s biggest tech event returns with thought leaders and game-changing tech - November 25, 2016
Transforming drug research and development in B.C. - November 23, 2016
BCHighways app makes driving safer and easier - November 8, 2016
Provincial investment takes UBC research to a new level - October 28, 2016
B.C. launches $100M tech fund and announces first investment - October 21, 2016
Provincial investment accelerates life-changing research at University of Victoria - October 6, 2016
B.C.'s tech sector strong and growing - September 20, 2016
Provincial innovation funding for Simon Fraser University to have national benefits - September 9, 2016
The Province and B.C.'s technology industry join forces to meet labour needs - July 12, 2016
Microsoft opens new technology centre in Vancouver - June 17, 2016
British Columbia touted as tech hot spot in Japan - May 30, 2016
Provincial funding for UBC improves research and innovation - May 24, 2016
Taking the B.C. advantage abroad: #BCTECH and TiEcon 2016 - May 11, 2016
Province awards UVic funding to conduct world-class research - April 4, 2016
Province awards SFU funding for world-class research - March 29, 2016
Aboriginal skills training for the technology sector - March 29, 2016
B.C. celebrates Technology Skills Appreciation Week - March 17, 2016
Launch of Bioenterprise BC grows agri-tech companies - February 26, 2016
New funding will help young entrepreneurs reach their potential - January 26, 2016
#BCTECH Summit delivers unprecedented tech collaboration - January 20, 2016
Premier Clark announces support for UBC teaching laboratory renewal - January 18, 2016
New funding program helps technology-sector employees upgrade their skills - January 18, 2016
#BCTECH Strategy cultivates talent, creates investment opportunities - January 18, 2016
Supporting miracles with Personalized Onco-Genomics - January 12, 2016
Inaugural #BCTECH Summit attracts world-renowned, thought-provoking speakers - January 6, 2016
Government leads the way with $50 million for health research - December 14, 2015
$100M fund to boost B.C.'s tech sector and job creation - December 8, 2015
B.C. students code their way to in demand jobs of tomorrow - December 4, 2015
First ever #BCTECH Summit to showcase B.C. tech sector - December 3, 2015